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Blerghhh!!! (1996)

category: indie
brazil, 70 min.

Directed by:
Petter Baiestorf

Jose Salles ... Sid
Susana Manla ... Cruela
Cesar Souza ... Rumba
Jorge Timm ... Ismael Sampalo

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

A group of people are tortured and molested by another group. They are given some kind of injection, which ends up turning them into zombies. Although the living dead here can walk and talk quite well. One large guy gets his head cut off, but he keeps right on going. He picks up his head and reattaches it. It all leads to a confrontation at the end.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5
zombies appear

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, feature film,
added: january 31th 2011 19:27:49,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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Not Good

I normally like Petter Baiestorf's Brazilian wackiness, but not in this case. Unfortunately, this particular film is simply dull. A lot of it is talk, which might be more interesting if I spoke Portuguese, but such is not the case. I viewed a lot of it as dull torture. Things picked up when the zombies did finally get involved in it, but it was still far too slow. At least there was some hilariously bad effects scenes, and I did think a lot of the women were good looking as well. I give this film 3 out of 10.
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