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Goblin (1993)

category: indie
usa, 75 min.

Directed by:
Todd Sheets

Jenny Admire
Tonia Monahan
Bobby Westrick
Mike Hellman

ZMDB rating: 0/10 (1 votes)

”You won't believe your eyes . . . until he rips them from their sockets!“

A pair of newlyweds move into a house and are visited by their friends. The use of witchcraft summons up a Goblin who then proceeds to slaughter everyone in sight. Once the Goblin is dispensed with, his victims rise up as bloodthirsty zombies.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
gore, horror, gut-munching, blood, monster,
added: july 8th 2004 02:11:55,  last modified: january 22th 2007 20:10:33
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Another Todd Sheets "Classic"

I'd swear that Todd Sheets can't make a movie without zombies in it. Out of all of his films that I've watched, only one of them didn't have zombies in it. Believe me, that was a surprise. I've got some others to go, so we'll see what happens. As to this one, it's typical Todd Sheets. Horrible writing. Horrible acting. Shoddy make-up. Lots of fake blood. And lots of zombies. Just don't expect a really terrifying monster.
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