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Ninja Rape (2003)

category: indie
usa, 80 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

Carl J. Sukenick
Joe Franklin ... picture only
Debbie Rochon ... picture only
David The Rock Nelson

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

The Black Scorpion Terrorist Organization is at it again. They once more raise ninja zombies from the dead, which then go on a rampage. Only Carl J. Sukenick can stop them from his apartment.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, sov, ninjas, ninja, terrorism,
added: october 13th 2006 01:42:18,  last modified: march 31th 2007 00:37:26
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More of the Same

As usual, Carl J. Sukenick provides us with an utterly plotless mess. This movie is abyssmally bad in every department. In fact, it's so typical of his films, that there's really not much to say. The scariest thing here is that Sukenick drops his trousers several times and parades around naked. That is truly a horrific sight. I give this film a 1 out of 10. I'd give it a zero if I could . . .
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Ninja Rape
october 28th 2006 00:42:15
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