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Flesh Eaters 3 (2004)

akas: Flesh Eaters Part 3, Carl J. Sukenick's Flesh Eaters Part 3
category: indie
usa, 60 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

Carl J. Sukenick
"Mommy" Sukenick
Abe Sukenick

ZMDB rating: 0/10 (1 votes)

The Black Scorpion Terrorists once again raise zombies from the dead. Carl J. Sukenick must kil the lead zombie in order to stop them.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

movie connections:
sequel to: Flesh Eaters Part 2 (2004)

Movie keywords:
horror, sov,
added: august 23th 2006 00:44:34,  last modified: january 12th 2007 00:41:39
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Bad As Always

Now it would truly be a shock if I wrote in this space that this was an excellent movie and Sukenick's best work. Well, that's not going to happen. But I have to admit that this one was more palatable than Zombie Lust 13. Of course, it's an earlier film so it's not just him sitting around the apartment doing nothing. There are his usual static shots that last forever, but I've come to expect that from Sukenick.
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