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Zombie Lust 13 (2006)

akas: Carl J. Sukenick's Zombie Lust 13
category: indie
usa, 99 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

Carl J. Sukenick
Debbie Rochon ... appears as picture only

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

Zombies are once again running the street. Only Carl can stop them if he ever bothers to try.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

movie connections:
sequel to: Zombie Lust 12 (2006)
followed by: Zombie Lust 14 (2007)

Movie keywords:
horror, sov,
added: august 19th 2006 00:53:06,  last modified: may 29th 2007 19:49:53
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The Worst So Far

Just when I think Sukenick can't get any worse, he manages to surprise me. A zombie doesn't get mentioned until at least 40 minutes into the film. And it's nearly 70 minutes before one "appears" (such as it is since it's Carl wearing a very cheap mask). Most of the time again gets taken up with Carl talking to his mother and father in the nursing home. He talks to his doctor and wants to get hold of his medication. He drops trou. He again films himself taking a dump. Fortunately, this is the last one so far in the Zombie Lust series. Will there be more? I don't know. But that is a scary thought . . .
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Forum discussion:
Zombie Lust 14
august 18th 2007 17:42:32
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