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Zombie Lust 11 (2006)

akas: Carl J. Sukenick's Zombie Lust 11
category: indie
usa, 90 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

Carl J. Sukenick

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

The Black Scorpions are at it again. This time they also have some help from aliens. Zombies are once again all over the place, and Carl must stop them.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

movie connections:
sequel to: Zombie Lust 10 (2006)
followed by: Zombie Lust 12 (2006)

Movie keywords:
horror, sov,
added: august 18th 2006 18:09:29,  last modified: may 29th 2007 19:50:53
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Re-Using Footage

One of the tried and true techniques in b-movie making comes from reusing footage either from other sources or from your own movies. Bruno Mattei certainly used stock footage in Hell of the Living Dead. Roger Corman has done this in the movies from his production company. Fred Olen Ray has done this as well. And Charles Band knows that he's done it to. But none are quite as shameless or amateurish as Sukenick. He reuses footage from his old films, but he does it by sticking his camera in front of a TV and filming it as he plays it on his own TV. That's pathetic. He calls it old journal entries, but it's still pathetic.
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