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Night of the Not So Living Dead Guy (2002)

category: short
usa, 12 min.

Directed by:
Michael Kesler

David W. Bailey ... David
Lori Krenck ... Jessica
Tom Dennis ... The Dead Guy
Bobbi Degnan ... Cindy

ZMDB rating: 4/10 (2 votes)

A man tries to get his car to start, and then his wife sneaks up behind him and scares the hell out of him. They are then chased by a very very very slow zombie. They can pretty much do anything while waiting for the zombie at the house where they take shelter. They do laundry, watch TV, play games, and other things. It takes forever for the zombie to attack.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, parody, short, online short,
added: august 16th 2006 00:29:22,  last modified: april 3rd 2007 00:37:23
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Hilarious Stuff

This is a great homage to Night of the Living Dead. I love how they play on the slowness of the zombies. And, man, these guys are really slow. They make the Blind Dead look fast, and that's saying something. Available for watching on
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